Business as usual today. Brianne had computer class and after class a couple friends came over. I was feeling the need to get to
Walmart before my Doctor's appointment at 1:30. I made the friends go home earlier than I had planned. I made it to
Walmart but had to go straight to the appointment.
First a technician did an ultra sound. It was extremely uncomfortable having her push so hard on my stomach. Then the doctor came in and she continued doing an ultra sound. She finally decided that we should do an amniocentesis to see if the baby's lungs were developed and check for the E antigen. (Can you believe they can do that?) I had an
amnio with Brianne about 32 weeks along. It was not bad at all. This time there wasn't very much fluid around the baby. I was scared to death watching the ultra sound. I couldn't see the needle but I could see that there wasn't much fluid and my baby was everywhere else. I had to close my eyes. They were only able to get enough fluid to check for lung development. After the
amnio they put me on a stress test. I was cramping up from the
amnio. I thought they were contractions but the machine wasn't picking them up. The baby's heart rate was fine from what I understand. The doctor came in to talk to me. She said she hadn't noticed that I was "older" and she hadn't addressed the possibility of the baby having downs syndrome. I was really appreciative to her for giving me one more thing to worry about. While she was there the test results came back saying the lungs were developed. She told me she wanted me to go straight to the hospital in American Fork to deliver the baby. Even though I had thought this might happen I was shocked when she said it. I was not ready. I had things I needed to do the next two days. I tried to convince her to wait but she said no. I asked if I could go home and drop off my groceries. She said no. I asked if I could go pick up my boys from school and she said yes. I called Dave but couldn't get a hold of him. I called my mom and started crying. She told me she was coming to take me to the hospital. I decided that was a good idea since my stomach was cramping. I called the boys school and asked them to have the boys walk home. That way I would make my one stop at home. I sneaked and emptied my car while I was waiting for my mom. When Dave called back I was so hysterical he had no idea what I was saying. The second time I explained it a little more in control. I was so worried because Dave had a work meeting that night and I didn't know if he could get out of it and neither did he. He told me he would call me back. My mom came and we all loaded up to go to the hospital. Dave was able to get out of his meeting and soon we were all at the hospital just waiting... My mom took the kids to her house to get to bed. I had an epidural so I was chilling in bed numb but pain free. My good friend Amy came over to see how things were going. She was disappointed when the doctor checked me and I was only dilated to a 3. My dad stopped by to say hi. When he was leaving Dave told him he could come back in the morning he was sure we would be in the same spot. Amy decided to go home and get some sleep but promised to come back at 5:00 am. I decided to try and rest while my body worked.