When we came home from the hospital Riley's bilirubin test was looking really good so he came home without lights. I had to take him in for another test the next day. Unfortunately they jumped extremely high so he has to be under the lights now. Thank goodness for the invention of in-home bili lights. He actually sleeps better in this suitcase than he did in his crib the first night home. When he is awake we can take off the mask as long as we watch him to make sure the blue shield stays in place. That is our fun "play time" with Riley. It is great to watch him as he looks around at his surroundings. We took him to the doctors this morning. He is looking great other than the jaundice (bilirubin). We found out that the jaundice is related to the E antigen in his blood. I still can't believe we made in through nearly the whole pregnancy without any complications. I am very grateful for the modern technology that gave us the information we needed to know there was a problem and then verify that his lungs were developed so it was ok to induce labor. It is much easier to monitor now that he is born. We have been very blessed. He is such a good, patient little boy. It is amazing how quickly you can't imagine life without your new little one.
Oh Michelle!!! I'm so happy for your little family. I was so glad I was able to sneak over before you went clear over to PROVO. :) He is as adorable as all of your other sweet children. Keep us posted about this whole E thing. I'm always here if you need ANYTHING. Love ya
I remember hearing stories about bringing newborns home & having only a dresser drawer for them to sleep in. I never thought that would be one of my grandbabies fate but Riley doesn’t even get a drawer. A suitcase is his suite.
He is cute, Michelle! and I agree, modern medicine is definitely something to be thankful for.
Congrats!! Riley is sooo cute! I've had two babies in those suitcases..it is a lot better then leaving them at the hospital! (I prefer Riley to Marten, too :)
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