Monday, November 24, 2008
Update on Riley
November 21st, 2008
November 20th, 2008
November 19th, 2008
My mom walked in to the room 8 minutes after he was born. She was able to hold him before they took him to the nursery to check him out. Dave went to the nursery with the baby. When he came back he reported that the baby was mad and that he liked his fingers. Dave helped me move to a new room and shortly we had the baby back with a clean bill of health. Dave went to my parent's house to get some sleep. I enjoyed some bonding time with the baby. I was in awe this whole time, not quite believing it was real. Amy came back at 5:00 as promised and was surprised to learn I had already delivered. She enjoyed some quality cuddling time before returning home to her family. I slept a couple hours and was happily awakened by my other children. They were so excited to meet their brother. It is amazing how one little baby can make so many people so happy.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
November 18th, 2008
First a technician did an ultra sound. It was extremely uncomfortable having her push so hard on my stomach. Then the doctor came in and she continued doing an ultra sound. She finally decided that we should do an amniocentesis to see if the baby's lungs were developed and check for the E antigen. (Can you believe they can do that?) I had an amnio with Brianne about 32 weeks along. It was not bad at all. This time there wasn't very much fluid around the baby. I was scared to death watching the ultra sound. I couldn't see the needle but I could see that there wasn't much fluid and my baby was everywhere else. I had to close my eyes. They were only able to get enough fluid to check for lung development. After the amnio they put me on a stress test. I was cramping up from the amnio. I thought they were contractions but the machine wasn't picking them up. The baby's heart rate was fine from what I understand. The doctor came in to talk to me. She said she hadn't noticed that I was "older" and she hadn't addressed the possibility of the baby having downs syndrome. I was really appreciative to her for giving me one more thing to worry about. While she was there the test results came back saying the lungs were developed. She told me she wanted me to go straight to the hospital in American Fork to deliver the baby. Even though I had thought this might happen I was shocked when she said it. I was not ready. I had things I needed to do the next two days. I tried to convince her to wait but she said no. I asked if I could go home and drop off my groceries. She said no. I asked if I could go pick up my boys from school and she said yes. I called Dave but couldn't get a hold of him. I called my mom and started crying. She told me she was coming to take me to the hospital. I decided that was a good idea since my stomach was cramping. I called the boys school and asked them to have the boys walk home. That way I would make my one stop at home. I sneaked and emptied my car while I was waiting for my mom. When Dave called back I was so hysterical he had no idea what I was saying. The second time I explained it a little more in control. I was so worried because Dave had a work meeting that night and I didn't know if he could get out of it and neither did he. He told me he would call me back. My mom came and we all loaded up to go to the hospital. Dave was able to get out of his meeting and soon we were all at the hospital just waiting... My mom took the kids to her house to get to bed. I had an epidural so I was chilling in bed numb but pain free. My good friend Amy came over to see how things were going. She was disappointed when the doctor checked me and I was only dilated to a 3. My dad stopped by to say hi. When he was leaving Dave told him he could come back in the morning he was sure we would be in the same spot. Amy decided to go home and get some sleep but promised to come back at 5:00 am. I decided to try and rest while my body worked.
November 17th, 2008
Saturday was game day. It was a cold day but it wasn't wet which made it very bearable. The best part was the team played well. They beat Kansas, who was ranked in the top 25 at the time. Nebraska used some trick plays which were fun to watch. Our seats were in the North end zone with a perfect view of the huge replay screen. It couldn't have been better.
We stopped back to see Dave's mom and Grandad on the way back to Utah. Earlier in the week Brianne had asked Grandad if he and Lucky could come to her birthday party. Suddenly he felt certain that we needed to have a birthday party before we left. I explained that a "pretend" party would work just fine. He didn't agree. He picked up cake and ice cream and he and his friend Minnie had presents for Brianne when we returned. We had a fun little party. Brianne LOVED the porcelain doll and Barbie she was surprised with.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Excitement of the Day
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Flying High
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Back to School
Collin is in the 4th grade. His teacher is Mrs. Wall, who is not as mean as he thought she would be. She is actually "kind of nice". Torin is in the 2nd grade his teacher is Mr. Branson. He is a fantastic teacher with years of experience. Both of the boys seem very happy with their classes. Brianne was really upset that she couldn't go to school too. She has a computer class that starts next week. She is counting down the days. In the mean time whenever I ask her what she wants to do it is always to have preschool at home. It should be a good year for us all.
Attack of the Killer Bees
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Loosing Teeth
The next day he realized he had another loose tooth. It really wasn't quite ready to come out but he was determined (he had visions of $$$). We looked online for ideas on how to pull a loose tooth. We tried everything...
I gave up helping but he kept playing with it.
Here is the big whole from loosing two teeth in two days.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
SLC Trip
Aunt Heather was in town for a friends wedding. She only had a little time but was able to meet us at the hotel. She took us to get Slurpees and then we swam so the kids could show off all their cool moves.
Last year Brianne was fearless with water. She was constantly jumping in to the water and could almost get herself up for a breath of air. This year she started out really timid and wouldn't even jump in to a pool. During this trip I got her to jump in but she insisted on holding my fingers. I would let her hold my fingers then throw her in to the water so that she would go under and have to kick her way up. I was so excited when she was making it all the way up and getting a breath. We showed Dad her new trick thinking he would be impressed. Not so. He started playing with her and within ten minutes he had her jumping in by herself and swimming half way across the short length of the pool. Now that was impressive.
The guys created a fun game on this trip. They would throw a rock across the pool then see who could get the rock first. With three Anderson boys this was a very competitive game. They had fun even though Collin was certain that Dave was cheating.